100 % Free Online Courses


20+ Free Online Courses From Prestigious Colleges Like Stanford And Harvard

The days of being able to take free courses are long gone. You used to have to look hard for anything that fit into your budget. The Internet has shown to be a boon over time for both educators and learners. What could be better, therefore, than free online courses offered by prestigious colleges like Stanford or Harvard?

Thousands of free online courses are accessible, but the most well-known ones are offered by the best colleges. Numerous disciplines are covered in the courses offered by these universities. Coding, programming, data science, AI/ML, literature, social media, economic development, and more are a few examples. Additionally, a number of prestigious colleges give free courses on learning portals such as Edx, Coursera, and others that provide open online courses. The greatest free online courses offered by prestigious colleges that can help you get ready for a better future are highlighted in this post.

Choose from hundreds of free online courses offered by prestigious universities such as Harvard, Stanford, MIT, CMU, and others. However, the courses in technology are at the top. Moreover, you receive certification advantages after finishing any of these classes. However, there are other prestigious colleges that provide courses in other fields. Therefore, we have a comprehensive list for you if you're seeking for free online courses but are unsure where to apply.

1] CS50 Harvard Introduction to Game Development: Free online courses from prestigious colleges Among the most well-liked free online courses is Harvard's CS50 Introduction to Computer Science course. It covers the fundamental ideas of software engineering, algorithms, and programming in a variety of languages, including Python and SQL. After completing the self-paced course successfully, you will receive a certificate. On eDX, you may sign up for the course.

Web Development Courses

1. WordPress


2. Ecommerce Website in WordPress


3. Bootstrap


4. Word Press Theme Development


5. Web application Development


6. Web Development Frontend


7. Software Development


8. IOS App Development


9. Game Development


10. Python framework


11. Basic of Programming

